

Comprehensive diagnosis of body and psyche on 25 major parameters and 24 effective treatment tools.

My Health Navigation report includes 4 parts:

  1. Where am I now?
  2. Where am I going?
  3. What is the cause?
  4. What to do?
  • Online testing method: NeuronMap or IRIS photo (after placing an order our specialist will contact you to clarify your request)
  • KLARNA, SOFORT/SEPA Direct Debit accepted
  • Available in English and Russian languages

The “Where am I now?” section includes the following parameters:

  • Level of imbalance: analyzes the 3 main levels: Physical, Mental, and
    Thought to understand where key issues are concentrated
  • Virtual age: Reflects where the person is at the present moment
    somatically/psychologically in relation to the “ideal person”
  • Therapy success: 13 physical, mental, and social status parameters, show those that currently require special attention and where the person would most quickly feel changes under the influence of Cluster therapy
  • Health markers: 4 parameters that help to see the possible tendency towards diseases for their early prevention
  • Resources: 3 parameters that show the natural potential of the person to overcome obstacles and achieve the desired outcome

The “Where am I going?” section includes the following parameters:

  • Trends: this section identifies diseases to which a person has a
    tendency to be predisposed
  • Reactive organs: organs and systems in which a reaction can be
    expected during therapy. If no therapy is given, these are organs in
    which a pathological process may be detected in the future, but which do not yet give any symptoms.

The “What is the cause?” section includes the following parameters:

  • Toxins. Toxin accumulation sites: the toxins mentioned in this section may be released into the bloodstream depending on life situations, stress or weather conditions, causing worsening of symptoms
  • Pathoactive organs: organs subject to extreme metabolic and toxic stress at the present moment
  • Hormones: this section lists hormones in which the person is currently deficient or excessive, or the person has symptoms characteristic of an excess or deficiency
  • Radiation impacts: electrical, magnetic, and electromagnetic radiations that have a negative effect on metabolism and on all body systems
  • Negative external impacts: exposure to substances that negatively affect human health. In total, more than 200 different parameters are evaluated, including dental materials, fungi, bacteria, viruses, solvents, products of plant or animal excretions, gases, food additives and products and many more
  • Allergens: this section aims both to confirm already known allergens and to draw attention to hidden allergens. In total 214 different allergens are evaluated
  • Psycho influence (ancestry): here you can see what level is influencing the person at the moment, the level of conflicts and problems, or genetic programs
  • Time of trauma: This addresses periods of serious emotional trauma in childhood and adolescence. Working through them is important at this stage of life
  • Anima and Animus: the balance of the feminine and masculine – Anima and Animus – is indicated here.
  • Source of mental problems: the section shows in which area the root of the problems currently lies: in the family where the person was born, in the family he or she has created after leaving the home (spouses, sexual partners, children), or the social environment – these are colleagues, neighbors, friends, acquaintances, etc
  • Fears: the most dominant conscious and subconscious fears of a person are represented here. These fears are destructive and need to be recognized and worked through
  • Stress factors: the individual thinking and behavior patterns of a person that causes stress are listed here to give them an idea of what they can change and think about to make their life less stressful

The “What to do?” section includes the following parameters:

  • Basic Needs: here we describe the basic needs of the body at a given time – water, sleep, and quantity of meals. Following these simple basic recommendations not only helps the body to rid itself of toxins but also helps to stabilize the psyche
  • Quality Life Improvement: This section describes simple but very effective tools to help strengthen organ function, improve brain function, stabilize the psyche, relieve tension and stress, and maintain health and quality of life. The section includes breathing exercises, health maintenance exercises, life-enhancing exercises, relaxation exercises, and recovery exercises
  • Art therapy tools: recovery through artwork are well-recognized method of correction. The section includes composers, artists, Brothers Grimm fairy tales, and colors
  • Goals and Achievements: here describes goals and needs, as well as tools and new ways to achieve them. We help a person to find their purpose! The section includes: goals, tools to achieve the goal, new ways, needs
  • Food List: a comprehensive analysis of 923 foods to identify food intolerances, sensitivities and food allergies, and to understand which foods are causing unpleasant symptoms and illnesses. Knowing these foods will help you adjust your approach to nutrition, improve your quality of life and health, and increase energy levels and weight loss without stress or hunger
  • Schüssler salts: minerals that are found in the blood and are involved in human metabolism. These salts exert their effects on the intercellular fluid, the cell membrane, and the cell itself. Out of the 24 salts, the system selects the salts that a person needs most at the moment
  • Bach Flowers: a system to help with stress and negative emotions. These are herbal sublingual drops that include 38 Flowers prepared from plants. Each of the flowers affects a specific negative feeling or emotional state. The selected Flowers help to balance emotions and unlock a person’s potential
  • Cluster Correction Tools: this section describes Cluster Medicine’s own tools: Individual Spray, Individual Sound-Wave Influence, Individual Digital Color Therapy. The principle of action is that each organ and system has the ability for individual self-regulation and self-correction
  • Vitamins and nutrition supplements: the system shows vitamin and mineral deficiencies and provides recommendations for METAGENICS products. METAGENICS EUROPE is the European division of Metagenics Inc., a company that has been the number 1 manufacturer of natural vitamins, minerals, and nutritional supplements in the professional market for over 30 years in Europe, USA, Australia and New Zealand.

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Testing Method

NeuronMap, IRIS photo, Blood (only for EU)

3 reviews
  1. Elena, 49

    Ordering My Health Navigation was the best decision for my health. It’s not just about understanding where I am now, but it’s about taking control of my health narrative. The personalized action plan, the early detection capabilities, and the motivation for positive change have transformed the way I approach well-being. My Health Navigation is not just a preventive measure; it’s a life-enhancing tool that has become an integral part of my self-care routine. Grateful for the insights and empowerment it brings!

  2. Mike, 33

    Calling My Health Navigation a preventive measure is an understatement; it’s my health best friend forever! The personalized action plan feels like it was crafted just for me, and the early detection capabilities are like having a health crystal ball. It’s not just a diagnostic tool; it’s a daily companion guiding me towards a healthier lifestyle. My Health Navigation – beyond five stars, beyond expectations!

  3. Sophia, 57

    My journey with My Health Navigation has been a revelation! After following the personalized recommendations, I can’t believe the positive changes in how I feel. It’s like the roadmap to well-being was tailor-made for me. The precision in identifying the root causes and the recommended tools for correction have truly transformed my daily life. My Health Navigation isn’t just a diagnostic tool; it’s a lifeline to a healthier, happier me!

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